Friday 8 August 2014

Day 15 Abeno & Harukas 300 Building

Going to Abeno today to get a birds eye view of Osaka from Harukas 300 building, this building is 300 metres high and I finally get to see how big this city really is and the views are literally breathtaking. I spent an hour or so up there and could have stayed longer as there's a cafe there too. Later we go to Shinsaibashi to a Fugu restaurant called  Shichifukujin, I've been here about a year ago and loved it, the food is so fresh and there's no shortage even right to the last-a Zousui (porridge) is made for you out of the stock that you've cooked the fugu in, they use free range eggs that have a beautiful orange yolk. So now it's a struggle to catch the trains and then walk home as I'm so full.
View of Osaka from Harukas Building

View of Osaka from Harukas Building

View of Osaka from Harukas Building

Harukas Observatory floor

Cafe floor

Harukas 300 metres high

Shichifukujin Shinsaibashi

Our table

Fugu carpacio & salad

Tessa & sin with salad.

Fugu & vegies

Fugu still moves 



Zousui & free range eggs

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