Saturday 23 August 2014

Day 28 Sumo Training

Well pissed off is putting it lightly, bloody organizer sends an email at 8:00 pm the night before telling us the sumo training was cancelled, we never saw the email til the next morning as we were getting ready at 6:00 am to go, I can assure you he felt the wrath and I'm not finished with him yet. So off to Tsukiji for sashimi breakfast. Had a look around some of the dept stores and made our way back to Haneda Airport to fly back to Osaka. For drinks we went to Asahi Super Dry Beer Hall in Umeda, the place was full of people around their mid thirties up to about the seventies, it was great, the atmosphere was really terrific we could only stay for about an hour and a half but I'd love to go back with a few drinkers and really have a ball.
Korean Matsutaki Mushrooms not as expensive as Japanese

Iwasa Restaurant Tsukiji
Iwasa Restaurant Tsukiji

Sashimi for breaky

Sashimi for breaky

On the way to Haneda Airport

On the way to Haneda Airport

Asahi Super Dry Beer Hall Umeda

Asahi Super Dry Beer Hall Umeda

Asahi Super Dry Beer Hall Umeda

Smoked salmon & salad

German sausage & sauakraut

Around Osaka Train Station

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