Saturday 23 August 2014

Day 22 Hiroshima

Caught the Shinkansen this morning for a couple of days in Hiroshima, once there well had to go to the Bomb Dome and other exhibits nearby that were the result of that terrible day in Hiroshima's history. The Peace Memorial was really sobering with very graphic displays and photos but then they are only displaying what really happened, I found out that whenever there's a nuclear test of any kind the Mayor of Hiroshima sends a letter to the government in mention and ask for them to stop in the name of peace and humanity, needless to say he has sent a lot of letters and all seem to fall upon deaf ears but these governments have to know that there are people that do not agree with their testing. After which we then took in some lunch, a visit to Hiroshima Castle which the locals call Carp Castle as Hiroshima is known for it's carps and their baseball team is called Hiroshima Carps, we then paid a visit to Shukkei-en Garden, for dinner we went to Shintenchi Okonmimura building where there's 4 floors and each floor housing about 9 to 10 okonomiyaki food stalls. This was an absolute treat and part of the stage show was watching the ladies preparing the okonomiyaki-please note that Hiroshima has a different style to making okonomiyaki than Osaka.
Atomic Bomb Dome

Ground Zero
The Cenotaph
At the front is the Cenotaph, the Flame and the Bomb Dome
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
The destruction
Hiroshima Oysters
Oyster lunch set
Hiroshima Castle
View from top of Hiroshima Castle
Seifukan Shukkei-en Garden
Shukkei-en Garden
Shukkei-en Garden

Shukkei-en Garden



Shintenchi Okonmimura building

Making Okonomiyaki Hiroshima style

Making Okonomiyaki Hiroshima style
Making Okonomiyaki Hiroshima style

Making Okonomiyaki Hiroshima style

Making Okonomiyaki Hiroshima style

End product

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